As I study on Organisational Behaviour, the more that it becomes clearer to me the interrelationship between an organisation and society. Both are made up of group of people whom each one carries with him/her the unique attributes which make him/her stand out among the others.
On organisational behaviour, it mainly rests as well on human behaviour. As we all know, people have various ethnic backgrounds thus bringing along with them their own cultures, practices, taboos, rituals etc.. Each individual therefore has his/her own learning capacity and responsibility.
So vast is the complexity of each individual yet what struck me most out of this given complex element is the uniqueness that each individual carries along side with him/her. How unique one is from the other at times makes it difficult to achieve self satisfaction and in certain circumstances, may lead to one's disowning of oneself.
What then is your behaviour when it comes to your own uniqueness? Are you basically aware of it or not? Just like any organisation, there is no such "one best way" to approach this individual uniqueness but rather, the focus must be shifted to one's humbling ownership of such "giftedness".
Moreover, let us all be constantly aware how we are unique from each other and let us make use of this uniqueness to extend positive things and gestures to others. Thus, we should consistently complement each other until such time that we reach our own wholeness if there is such state in life.

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