Showing posts with label Inspirational. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inspirational. Show all posts

Friday, 13 December 2013

Salt for the Ultimate Chef

What would be food without salt? Salt, what an amazing ingredient. Can you imagine your favorite adobo without any salt? Salt is even added to caramel to give it a rounded rich flavour, don't believe me? Get a salted caramel ice cream or tart they're the craze nowadays, I've had an amazing, can't get enough of it popcorn that was sweet and salty. It was sold in this huge, plastic pillow case size bags and people where queueing up to buy not just one bag but two! 

Salt, what an amazing ingredient indeed. 

Ever wondered what it meant to be salt? In (Mt 5: 13) Jesus told us "You are salt of the earth but if salt loses its salty taste it cannot be made salty again. It is good for nothing. It must be thrown out for people to walk on."  

One of the functions of salt is that it helps preserve food. I know, I'm thinking of tuyo (salted pilchard or anchovies), dried squid man this writing is making me hungry!  

What salt does is it prevents the growth of food spoiling bacteria or nasties that can harm us. You see those nasties need moisture to grow and what salt does is it absorbs the moisture in the nasties.  No moisture, dead nasties. 

So salt does not only have what it takes to preserve the good stuff,  it also has what it needs to go on the offensive against the nasties. 

It's like spiritual warfare, we need not only have the right stuff for defending but also the weapons to go on the offensive against spiritual nasties. 

In Ephesians 6: 10-18, St Paul wrote: 

"Finally, draw your strength from the Lord and from his mighty power. Put on the armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the tactics of the devil. For our struggle is not with the flesh and blood but with the principalities, with the power, with the world rulers of this present darkness, with the evil spirits in the heavens. Therefore, put on the armor of God, that you may be able to resist on the evil day and have done everything, to hold your ground. So stand fast with your loins girded in truth, clothed with righteousness as a breastplate, and your feet shod in readiness for the gospel of peace. In all circumstances, hold faith as a shield, to quench all flaming arrows of the evil one. And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. With all prayer and supplication, pray at every opportunity in the Spirit. To that end be watchful with all perseverance and supplication for all the holy ones." 

We need those spiritual defences and weapons, to be the salt of the earth and only God can provide these. 

With these we can stand firm, preserving what is good, eliminating what nasties we have and helping others to do the same. 

The other function of salt is for seasoning, salt enhances the flavour of food. It is worthy to note that when salt is added to a dish, it disolves and is transformed and at the same time enhancing the flavours, enhancing what is good. 

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It is transformed in a way that you no longer see it but only know and taste it. In a way it has given itself up for the greater good. 

We are also called to do the same, in whatever dish of life we are called to serve and be a part of. We are called to die from ones self for the greater good, transforming enhancing the dish of life around us. 

Ever noticed how someone describes a good dish? "It has a hint of nuttiness and red wine, caramelized onion, the vegetables cooked to perfection not raw but still crispy, compliments to the chef.....ya di da di da.....hey, what happened to salty?

Salt is rarely the centre piece of any dish, yet it can make or break a dish. Not enough and the dish is bland, too much and it is ruined.

Same with us and our service if we are lukewarm, we are ineffective and bland, too much or to full of ourselves and we leave a bad taste in someone's mouth. Our service should always seek to glorify the one and only Master (Chef), not us.

A well seasoned dish is when the ingredients are in harmony with one another, allowing the chef's intended expression to come through. 

So it should be with our life and service, we should allow the ultimate Master (Chef) to express Himself through us. Humble, obedient and ever sensitive to the Master's leading, less our will be done and not His. 

Salt, who would have thought; Jesus of course. 

May you always keep your saltiness, ever ready to serve the Ultimate Master (Chef). 

Guest Writer: Ed Canilao
CFC Melbourne

                                      Thanks a lot Ed for the inspiration

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Saturday, 30 November 2013

What Type of A Player Are You?

         When you're being a sports enthusiast, you would know that on each one of us, there stays a kind of player when you are into a game. No matter what your recreational activity is, from ball sports to cards and even to online games, one question that you ought to ask yourself is "Are you aware of your own dynamics when you are playing?

Just to point out certain types of player that you can be, you can either be one or more of the following:
1. passionate player
2. impulsive player
3. vindictive player
4. easy go lucky player
5. team player

1. Passionate player- you are into into the put your heart in every game you play. You are willing to go one step farther from what others are they say, exerting extra mile. Moreover, you know the in and out of the game. You try and search for ways to improve your skills. You don't just stop while the practice is over, instead you go for extra effort to harness your skills. In spite of all the difficulties and challenges, you are always willing to proceed with your game. 

2. Impulsive player-there are two types of impulsive compulsive player as discussed by one study. These two are proactive and reactive- "Proactive cognitive control involves keeping information active in short-term memory for use in later judgments, a kind of task preparation. Reactive control is more of a just-in-time type of decision resolution." Dr. Craig Anderson- director of Center for the Study of Violence. Just try to check with yourself if you can identify yourself on any of these two dynamics. Impulsive player means that you play by your impulses disregarding on the process the consequences of such action. 

3. Vindictive player- are you the kind of player who goes for retaliation everytime you are hit whether it is physically or psychologically? If yes then you are this kind of player. Retaliation is the name of your game. As such, you will easily lose your focus on the game. For others, every sport comprises both the elements of winning and losing yet for this type of player, what is essential is to get even with somebody who causes him pain, intentionally or unintentionally. 

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4. Easy- go- lucky player- if you are this kind of player, then you are that kind of participant who seems to not really care if he wins or loses the game. What solely counts for him is that he enjoys the game. Fortunately for him, he is not after any reward or return after the match. 

5. Team player- with this last type, you stand by the team. It goes well that everything that you do is for the team. Consequently you disregard any personal desire and put the team's goal as forefront. Everytime that your team engages in a match against an opposing team, you always give your best. Notwithstanding the odds at hand, you always seek for what is the best for the team. For you, team first before your personal satisfaction. 

          In such a way that if you can identify yourself in any of these types (for sure there are other unmentioned ones there), that can be a positive point for you but if not, it would be best if you will discover what's your type. By knowing your type, you will learn to understand your own impulses and aggressions thus having enough control over them. 

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Saturday, 23 November 2013

How To Be A True Friend?

          Do you have a true friend? Do you consider yourself a close friend to somebody? What is a true friend by the way? You may perhaps think of many diverse meanings on what a true friend is but the best part of this is for you to be one real friend to somebody before you could really tell that you have one.

          Allow me to share with you two quotations on friendship which I considered to be undoubtedly instrumental in establishing and maintaining friendship. First, this one by Nerrisa Nam as she says, " Always be there". Yes, giving quality presence is a very essential ingredient to a true friendship. Nowadays you are pounded with lots of technologies that keep much of your attention that at times, you tend to neglect in staying focus on your relationship with a friend. Physical presence counts a lot in progressing one's friendship. However when friends are separated by some distances or even a thousand miles away, there are always available means to stay in contact with each other. A true friend therefore is one who unceasingly makes himself/herself present whatever the circumstances are- whether in joy or in sadness, in abundance or in scarcity, in ups or downs.

           On the other hand, Kimberly McCarthy says, " A true friend is someone who always listens and is genuinely interested in the good and bad, and someone who calls or writes just to say hello." Thus, to be a true friend, you need to invest yourself into a relationshiop with your genuine intentions to look after the welfare of the other rather than your own. Perhaps, you can now count with your own fingers your considered real friends. Have you ever encountered people who come to you and introduce as friends yet they are just after their own vested interest at your own expense? What a seemingly sad reality but very true. In this world that you live in, there are people who disguise as friends yet they only take advantage of you and when the going gets rough and tough, they abandon you. Beware of those people and be smart to identify them in your life.

          Hence lucky are those who have savored true and lasting friendships in their lives. After all, life is something that is ought to be shared with others- especially with a friend- a real friend.


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Saturday, 2 November 2013

How Could We Consistently Believe That Life Is a Never Ending Education?

          Life is a never ending journey. And as we progress with our life journey, we undertake to reflect on previous events of our life then realize that we are actually reading our own book of life. With such realization, we become so glad to be active participants to this journey. Everytime we wake up each single day, new and fresh learnings embrace us and they support us in our personal development.

           On the other hand, we all know that life learnings are beyond any limit or bondary. It only takes one's responsibility to participate unceasingly in this journey that will make a corresponding difference in his/her life. One positive point in life is when we exchange our various giftedness with each other. As you and me go on with our everyday learnings, we grow the more when we exchange life's wonderful stories.

           Every individual chapter in our life entails huge amount of lessons that when utilized properly, they will lead us to a further colorful and fruitful journey. In life, there is no greater love than to offer oneself for the sake of others. Altruism as such is indeed a great virtue that when diligently practiced in a person's life results to a positive way on every neighbor's life. Yet, as human as we are, there are self- serving tendencies that we need to own in ourselves. A couple of times, we have the tendency to merely concentrate just on our own nourishment (nevertheless I am not saying that it is completely wrong) that at the end, we become indifferent to other people's growth. And if left unmonitored, this will resort to self destruction.
           Meanwhile, have a look on this insight from Isaac Asimov when he said that, "Self-education is, I firmly believe, the only kind of education there is." Personally, I nod positively with him since as we enter each new day, we also commence to learn new things that multiply colors to this journey. Numerous individuals have shared the road with us on this life, first and foremost our considered significant people in our life like our families, relatives, friends and many more. Hence, we should be thankful to them as well as to God for these gifts.

          Finally,as we continue with our varying journeys called life, let us also persevere in internalizing Isaac's words above and may we remind ourselves that life's education enables us to be the best persons that we can be. By this, we can become agents of joy and change for others. After all, life will always be a meaningful gift for you and me.

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Saturday, 28 September 2013

On Primary Health Care

          As I proceed with my online course nowadays, I'm glad to share with you the subject of our study, " Health for All Through Primary Health Care". This is a five-week online course and my intention to join the class was significantly to educate myself about the concept and impact of primary health care to people especially to children, mothers and the underprivileged members our society.

To quote one of the active movers of the movement, John Wyon, he said, 

          "There are three kinds of public health: disease-oriented, service oriented and community oriented. Each complements the other like the legs of a three-legged stool. "- John Wyon, 1990
          Among the most urgent needs nowadays of the world most notably to the third world developing countries is on health issues. And what was stated by Professor John Wyon as a collaboration among those three kinds of public health, there has to be a consistent co-relation among them. The process of extending health assessment and assistance to recipients should be mutual and positive. Focus on three aspects consequently leads to a more progressive impact of public health to people. 

          This issue on primary health care is a huge one and certain causes can be attributed to this such as "multi sectoral which may include education, nutrition, water and sanitation"- As such, it is very important to know them (causes of diseases) so that proper actions through health care can be prepared and performed.

           Meanwhile, I would say that this study impacts strongly to every individual regardless of sex, color, race, practices etc. since one's health is everybody's concern. Such a very constructive as well as a productive approach to health care issues-that's exactly what this study brings to everyone since it allows each participant to have a grasp on the evolution, advances and implications brought about by primary health care to people.

Sunday, 1 September 2013


          We welcome this new month of September and we say goodbye to the month of August. Indeed we have so many reasons to say THANK YOU for all the good things we received and shared with our loved ones for last month. As we start this new month, we also welcome the season of spring and it indeed brings us a warmer weather as well as a brighter atmosphere around us. 

          Welcoming this new season, it helps us to be aware of so many opportunities for new growth of love and peace among us. Furthermore what makes this new day of the month a significant one is that we celebrate today Father's Day.
Thus we honor all fathers out there and even though our commercial world nowadays constantly insists us to acknowledge fathers with endless list of "perfect gifts"  on a mere material value yet in the real sense of the word, there is no perfect gift to bring honor to all these dads just on such level.

          Their examples display to their families every moment in their lives make it more meaningful to every child to recognize their contributions to every child's development. Instead everyone needs to understand on a more deeper level the relevance of all dads that they all deserve a heartfelt recognition and appreciation.

          Thus as anyone recognizes and acknowledges any father's love and sacrifice for the children, may we bear in our minds their constant welfare so that they can continue extending their genuine love to their families. After all, love begets love hence there is no greater love that every child could extend to his/her dad except by sharing one's real love in return.
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