Showing posts with label acceptance of every gift. Show all posts
Showing posts with label acceptance of every gift. Show all posts

Monday, 31 December 2018

Moving Forward to 2019

          Soon 2018 will be a part of our history and we welcome a new year 2019. For sure, 2018 has been a colourful year for all of us- yin and yang, white and black, light and dark etc- those are constantly the contrasting reality of all our events this year.

          However whatever may be our moments for this year, we should learn how to move on from those negative memories that we had and be grateful for the positive things that we experienced.

Photo by mckenzie toyne on Unsplash

          Moving forward could be challenging for some most notably if it involves a lot of pain but for us to grow physically, morally, psychologically and spiritually, we ought to embrace both positive and negative events.

          And as we start the new year tomorrow, may we spend this day with the special people in our life -wife,husband, kids- instead of spending this day with other people who are less relevant to us. In spite of the quick evolution of our life today brought along by today's technologies, there still present the basic and essential reality that our family comes first and our top priority among all other things. 

          Thus we welcome the new year 2019 with full enthusiasm and optimism that life will be better for us and for our loved ones. 


Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Commitment to Self- Development

          Being a gift from Somebody, each one of us has the responsibility to proceed to self-development and never to self-destruction. Life is such a complicated yet much more of that a wonderful gift. Every single day, you trek a tougher road ahead of you. And you never know what the future holds for you. Yet  when you look back and reflect on your past events, you can be very proud to say that indeed, you made some tough decisions in life and somehow, what counts most especially for you is that you made the right decisions.

          Life, for some people, is often associated with pain however, never stop there. Try to flip the coin and you will discover the other side of it- the other side of life. Always tell yourself, " I'm in charge of my whole life." and refrain from allowing anybody to dictate you what to do with it. It doesn't stop there for the next essential thing for you to do is to accept 
the consequence of all your actions.

         At times, there is that temptation to put the blame on others when something is not right yet as a mature and a responsible individual, accept all the accolades as well as the pain (if failure comes in the way) of any decision. Similarly, speak to yourself and say that you are an exact reflection of all your hard work or the lack of it. Acknowledge all your giftedness and your weaknesses. Be committed to be a better person. 

          Always bear in mind, life is a constant change and whatever state you are in, be happy for it is in your true happiness that you can also experience the true meaning of success. Again, life is a precious gift and don't forget to share it with your loved ones and with others. 


Monday, 25 September 2017

Being Relevant To Others Nowadays

            The issue of being relevant to others can be told through the various treatments we  accord to others. Indeed it's true that human relationships reside on different levels like cliche, skin deep or the more serious ones. when we hear about stories of people like when one is feeling so excited about a new brand  being launched is worth note taking.

           So many stories about human experiences which are entertaining and of interests to people. On the other hand, when we discuss on human interests, I understand that we normally are impacted by the effect of such stories to our very own life.
We are directly or indirectly affected by certain people so that they already become a part of our journey in life. or not by those experiences 

          Way back 2001, I was studying in another country when I befriended a guy who lost his left arm due to an accident. Others would perhaps see and right away judge him as a desperate or a less fortunate individual yet if you know him personally, you would probably be inspired by his life story. 

          Ironically, it was the contrary for my friend. He raised his two kids just by himself alone- he does it by selling newspapers on the sideline of one of the busy streets of Chicago. He ignored at times the scorching heat of the son or even the pouring rain and what counted much for him is the future of his family. 

           I was moved by his example and this helped me to further treasure my life and if given the opportunity to reach out to others then I would not hesitate to do that. Thus count all your blessings and share them with others especially to the displaced members of our society.  


Friday, 30 December 2016

The Importance of Being Happy

Guest Post:

Have you ever thought that happiness is an integral part of our life? For many people happiness is tightly connected with material things and well-being. However, there real meaning of this concept consist of spirituality.

Very seldom we pay attention to the fact that happiness is around us. You can find it in the smile of the stranger, in the rainbow, in the beauty of the nature. To be happy, you need to find inspiration in the things you do. For example,try to do something new every day. Today, you may start painting (even if you can't), tomorrow you can learn how to cook some dishes, etc. The wind of changes will inspire you and you will feel yourself confident and happy. 

Pay attention to the things that surround you and pay attention to the details. There are so many amazing events and moments! Open your heart to the world and you will see that life is an incredible thing, and you should be happy every day.

Be grateful for the things you have, and you will learn how to value every minute. Life is short, that is why it is important to be happy every minute. Do not forget to smile, because our smiles are the steps on our way to happiness and success. 

Laugh, enjoy your life and remember that our life is full of adventures and fun, and each of us has all the chances to be happy in this world. Happiness is inside you.

About the author:

Melissa Marzett is a professional writer, who is able to write on any topic. Her talent is magnificent, and she knows everything about the beauty of the word and she can show it to you. Simply visit, as Melissa works for this service: and check for her articles. 


Monday, 27 July 2015

Why are We Afraid of Failures?

" Many of life's failures are people who did not realise how close they were to success when they gave up."- Thomas Edison

          Every now and then, we hear of people saying, " I'm tired of this world.", "I'm such a failure." "I don't want to move on anymore."..... so on and so forth. 

          How then do we gauge our life? Is life merely a matter of collecting successes (and never failures) along the way? Or is it the other way around?

          At times, what makes us think that we are a failure is the standard that we put on ourselves and that of others. As Thomas Edison said beforehand, many among us fail when we are supposed to be at the verge of success. 

          Actually there are varieties of meaning to failure yet the very common one among them is the reality that no one among us wants to experience that hurt and pain as a consequence of failure. Our willingness to step one foot forward is hold back by the many "ifs" that we have in ourselves. Consciously or unconsciously, we are telling our mind of certain negativity such as "what if I fail?...what others will tell me if I will not attain that grade?....if I will fall down, would I be able to get up and continue the fight?....

          Thus, for us to be able to embrace this thing called failure, we need to convince both our minds and our hearts that it is still alright if we stumble and fail. We need to believe that we are more than the failures that we have in life. After all, and whether we agree or not, life is but a race and only those who are fit and have the will to move forward can finish the race.   


Tuesday, 21 July 2015

New Day Ushers Us Into A New Way

           Glancing at the chance of each new day, opportunities for growth ushers us along the way. As each new day unfolds, we welcome it with excitement and joy for we know that this new day will bring us into more understanding and learnings about ourselves.

          Why then self discovery is very crucial? It plays a vital role for it enables us to perform positively in our various forms of relationship. Along the way, we come in contact with people whom some could give us a threat in which we have no control. Have you experienced a situation wherein you seems to feel uncomfortable or uneasy with somebody whom you just meet recently or even worse, a total stranger to you?

          And as you reflect on the experience, you then discover that this person represents somebody in the past who extended and caused you discomfort as well as pain (transference). Good for you if you come into this kind of realisation and bad if you re not capable to do it.  The process then of owning such experience takes a long while. That is why, we need to know deeply each of ourselves so that we will also understand our own dynamics as well as that of others. 


Monday, 20 July 2015

Learn to Overcome Negativity

          Ever since I grew up as a child, little it be known that each day brought us all two possibilities- either good news or bad news. yin or yang, light and shadow. Moments that I cherished the most were those filled with laughters and other pleasant memories while we also tend to delegate somewhere else those not so pleasant ones. You and me, we all have that tendency to cherish the good and reject the bad. However, as I mentioned earlier, life in itself is made up of these two realities- the good and the bad.

          On the other hand, we have various approaches to pain. Others may tend to welcome them and grow positively from them. Some will tend to be overly affected by them that at the end of the day, they seem to have lost their energy to walk "one more mile". Moreover, there are also those who are more inclined to put the blame on others of their miseries. Such trivialities or not as losing one's pen, forgetting one's notebook at home, mindlessly leaving the car key inside when stepping out of it and locking everything etc., they also result to losing their focus and energy to welcome the new day. 


          Meanwhile, there are also approaches which could enable us to get up from those tumbled moments:

1. Be open- let it be and let it go. Though by nature, this is not an easy thing to do for we have the tendency to internalise either knowingly or unknowingly every painful event in life. However, in order for us to overcome such pain, we need to go down into ourselves and learn to accept it then let it go. Never let the painful experience lingers more in our mind since if we do so, it will surely affect the rest of our activities and may possibly block our desire to nurture relationships with others;

2.  Be alert- in every event in our life, there is no sense to spend so much time on it for it will lead us to nowhere. Instead, step back and learn to evaluate the event then check what went wrong. Start from there then the next step that you will take will surely lead you to the right one.

3. Ask for help- pride is one thing that can make us down. On the other hand, humility also can be our way to grow and become better persons. It's not really bad to ask for other's assistance and comfort during our trial moments. Rather, we somehow acknowledge our own limitation and at the same time, we tap other people's resources to help us move on. 

4. Finally, learn to pray- whoever is your personal god and whatever name you attribute to this divine being, learn to constantly submit everything to Him and ask for graces so as to grow more in His way. 

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