Showing posts with label company. Show all posts
Showing posts with label company. Show all posts

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Build Your Dreams

        What drives us to wake up everyday to go to work and perform our daily activities? What motivates us to hang on to life in spite of all its challenges? How do we make our life more meaningful and worthy? The answer to these questions is our dreams- they are the ones that drive us to look up each day as a gift full of surprises

       Given that we have varied dreams from one person to the other- may this be a bright future for our family.... for our loved ones....or this is the dream of building and living in a house which you can call as your own someday......dream of achieving the best of our ability realising our potentials to its maximum capacity.

       Yet later on, we then realise that achieving our dreams is not an easy thing to do--------never an easy walk in the park.

         Challenges come along the way and they emerge in so many forms. But we need to trust in ourselves that sooner or later, we will be able to achieve them. Others can only accompany us and inspire us to proceed with the journey yet the very first ones who will and can do it is ourselves.

      Everyday, wake up to proceed in achieving this dream- never allow discouragement, negativity etc.  to hinder us to reach it. Never be contented with mediocrity. Yes it's true that failure is painful but never allow it to hold us back in attaining our DREAMS. Thus let us continue to dream big and focus our energy to reach it.


Saturday, 12 January 2019

Get Rid of Negativity

          January 2019 has started and maybe it is good to look at how the first few days of this month and of this year has gone undetected.  Perhaps we already encountered several incidents in the workplace, or at home, or in the streets and others that brought worries to us. That when faced with a challenging situation, we resulted to negativity and such attitude also affecting our dealings with the other members of our household. 
Photo by Robert Katzki on Unsplash 

          Moreover, instead of leaving behind in our workplaces or office desks/ corners the worries of our responsibilities at work, we decided to bring them at home therefore, they also stressed out those people living with us. Confronted by them, we tend to panic right away and overthink about what will happen in the future without enjoying the now moment. There is a call for us to change this perspective and as a matter of fact, we need to constantly remember that what counts most for us is our immediate time with our loved ones especially with our spouses and kids.

         We need to spend time everyday to sit back and relax then  forget about those stresses and channel our energy to improving our relationship with our spouses and children for they are the very first priority (should be!) that we have in our life. They are the reasons why we positively wake up everyday to go to work or else perform other day's tasks. Let us learn to embrace all negative elements, situations, conditions, emotions as part of us and just allow them to have their own moments. Finally, let us be friendly with them and on the other hand, we endeavour also to make each moment a positive avenue of expressing love and affection to our loved ones as well as to others. 


Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Commitment to Self- Development

          Being a gift from Somebody, each one of us has the responsibility to proceed to self-development and never to self-destruction. Life is such a complicated yet much more of that a wonderful gift. Every single day, you trek a tougher road ahead of you. And you never know what the future holds for you. Yet  when you look back and reflect on your past events, you can be very proud to say that indeed, you made some tough decisions in life and somehow, what counts most especially for you is that you made the right decisions.

          Life, for some people, is often associated with pain however, never stop there. Try to flip the coin and you will discover the other side of it- the other side of life. Always tell yourself, " I'm in charge of my whole life." and refrain from allowing anybody to dictate you what to do with it. It doesn't stop there for the next essential thing for you to do is to accept 
the consequence of all your actions.

         At times, there is that temptation to put the blame on others when something is not right yet as a mature and a responsible individual, accept all the accolades as well as the pain (if failure comes in the way) of any decision. Similarly, speak to yourself and say that you are an exact reflection of all your hard work or the lack of it. Acknowledge all your giftedness and your weaknesses. Be committed to be a better person. 

          Always bear in mind, life is a constant change and whatever state you are in, be happy for it is in your true happiness that you can also experience the true meaning of success. Again, life is a precious gift and don't forget to share it with your loved ones and with others. 


Saturday, 9 May 2015

SOme Thoughts to Ponder

          Sharing with you today some thoughts to ponder for us as we continue with our various journeys in life. Along with the disparate chapters of our life, we come and encounter different situations and events that some will ask us to arrive at a crossroad then decide what to do next. While these thoughts below may have been carved by distinct individuals yet they all have one thing in common- that is to inspire us all in our daily endeavours.

1. "We rate ability in men by what they finish, not by what they attempt."
Success driven individuals will always aim for the best results in all their endeavours. However at times this will boil down not just by finishing the race but by the quality of the work's outcome. All the successes that we will have in our life will determine how we will manage those life's chapters.

2. " Ability without ambition is like a car without a motor."
Indeed this statement makes much relevance in our life. Hence it is very essential for us to discover our strengths thus when we move on in life,  we have equipped ourselves with the sufficient resources to be successful in life.

3. " The remarkable thing about most of us is our ability to live beyond our means."
The will to survive- a tool which every one of us must possess so that when we encounter trials and crosses in life, we will also learn how to survive and move on. As they say, life must go on no matter what predicaments lie ahead of us.

4. " Ability is the most important tool in your life."
Learn to discover your various abilities in life and develop your humility also to acknowledge the abilities of others. We are made unique from one another so that we can express our abilities and ask others' abilities also when the situation calls for it.


Friday, 6 March 2015

Spending Precious Time with Your Loved Ones

          We all have our considered richness in life- health, family, wealth, achievements etc.. And I do believe that one among the stand out among them is the family. Yes we all value each of our families and in fact, that's the very main reason why majority, if not all of us, are working hard and exerting much of our time for the sake of our families. 


         Indeed, we are unaware that at times, we gain strength and importance from all the significant persons inside our families. How about you, do you spend quality time with your family- with all your loved ones? Moreover we can learn bountiful things from our day to day interactions with our loved ones. All those which we have learned from school about love, understanding, openness, welcoming etc, we can concretised them all first and foremost through the members of our families. 

          How then can we teach LOVE to others if we are not loving all members of our families? How can we speak truthfully about welcoming others when in fact, we disregard one member of our home? To become a worthy example of good deeds to others, we should start first with all the members of our families- spouses and children. And we constantly bear in mind that no amount of material wealth could ever replace the CONCRETE LOVE that we convey to our family members. 


Sunday, 24 August 2014

How To Grow One's Business?

            In any business setting, at the end of the day, what is accorded with foremost priority is the benefits gained out of it. Somehow the question at the closing of each day is that "does the organisation gain or loss this day?". In the middle of the challenging nature of every business entity today, being streamlined with the latest trends on the Human Resource management (HRM) plays a very important role. 

          Having performed such role for years before (Human Resource manager), I know beforehand how critical the role of HRM in managing the affairs of the organisation. Every organisation is made of of entities most importantly of people who carry along with them unique qualities which should consistently be reckoned with. 

          At times, the thrust of the organisation is unsure between people and profits. However when things become complicated like having people who been working with the organisation for such a long time over the emphasis of the organisation to grow thus it might think of ways and means to reduce costs including removing old termed people. 

          Which is now more prioritise in terms of resource? Is it people over profit or the other way around? The answer may not be the same with different people and various approaches. However what could have been ideal is gaining positive outcome both for the organisation as well as for people. How then would you want to grow your business? Is it by reducing costs through removing old employees and hiring new ones (equals savings for the organisation) or by keeping them then resort to some other solutions like making savings from operational costs?


Friday, 11 July 2014

The Joy Of Travelling

          Are you one of those people who love to travel from one place to the other? What are positive and negative points that we then can get from travelling? In this post, I will share with you my thoughts regarding the idea of travelling since this activity is so loved by many among us.

          For the downside of this activity, one of the important considerations when somebody is thinking of visiting a place especially if it is abroad is its accompanying expenses like the cost of the plane tickets,  accommodation, food, etc. What if you are travelling alongside other members of the family or any group? That adds to the total amount of the budget of the whole travel. Another impediment is what they termed as the "culture shock" and this happens when you submerge yourself in the culture of another country or nationality. Have you heard before of different misfortunes that happened to certain travellers due to this reason? 

                                         imagecreditMichael Jastremski for

          Enough for those downside elements of travelling, now let us know what are the benefits that this activity can endow to you and me. And with these reasons, those downside elements mentioned beforehand will be delegated to the sidelines. If one's way of life is geared towards his/her fulfilment of all the potentialities as a human being, then let all resources be scrutinised so that more positive things can be realised.

          First, on budget- this could be prepared smoothly if proper procedures would be implemented like making a run down of all accompanied expenses of the trip then afterwards, setting aside extra money from the pocket so that within the desired goal (a year or two), the budget for the aimed travel will be achieved. When it comes to mingling with other cultures, ye it is understandable that frictions can possibly happen. However, if we will take a positive look, this is also the possibility that frictions can be avoided. 

          Instead, the traveling opportunity will allow for those involved the chance to meet new friends and connections. Alongside with it is the richness of the interactions when two or more cultures meet and evolve as one. Thus, I believe that there are more positive points that we can acquire when we allow ourselves to go to other foreign places therefore broadening our horizons and our connectivity with people as well as culture.

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